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Ceramic power does not decline the opportunity to China

Ceramic Mug    From:Xinxiang Ceramic Mug Manufacturers     2016-3-8
Recently,ceramic mug wholesale a deep friendship and the Spanish ceramic sector of the industry veteran told the author that he can move the headquarters of the Spanish ceramic Foshan to. Just do the exchange of two ceramic industry is also poor, were unable to ground the project.

Indeed, the 2008 financial crisis, Spain is the world's second largest after China's ceramic manufacturing power in 2006, output reached 609 million square meters of ceramic tile. Ceramic tile production in 2007 but began to cut. Financial crisis, production fell faster in 2009 to 324 million square meters has been reduced almost by half. The other European ceramics-producing countries similar to Italy and Spain, in recent years tile production plummeted.

Moreover, Spain, Italy, the environment does not work. Financial crisis sapped the whole of Europe. First half of 2010, the real estate bubble serious outbreak of Ireland had to accept sovereign debt crisis of the European Union and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) assistance. Followed by Greece, Portugal suffered the same fate. Then that is Spain, Italy, Cyprus, also have a debt crisis. According to the Spanish people came back and said, now throughout the country have left many unfinished projects, many real estate agency's bank loans have become bad debts.

China's foreign exchange reserves exceed $ 3 trillion, in the worst financial crisis, it promised to buy government bonds to rescue Greece and Portugal. Analysts believe that China will have the euro area or even the third and the fifth largest economy in Italy, Spain, to take similar measures.

But on the other hand, in the sovereign debt crisis, economic slowdown, rising unemployment, the EU's rapid rise of trade protectionism, so there will be in June last year, anti-dumping investigation of Chinese tiles. Last month came the news that the EU imposed punitive Chinese tile import tariffs is expected to be fine-tuned from an initial 73% in March down to 69.7%. Some people will interpret this as the EU industry on the Chinese anti-dumping tangle tiles: on the one hand they are trying to establish trade barriers to protect the local tile industry; the other hand, China is a Spanish-color glaze, an important Italian exporter of ceramic machine. Meanwhile, China is also Italian, Spanish tiles and design resources potentially important export market. Chinese tiles completely swept out of Europe once, means that China and the European ceramic tile industry loses close contact. This is clearly in turn will affect the European equipment, technology and design resources in China, a copy of the article Chinese ceramics Ethernet port.

In the past, China's relations with the European industry, mainly in the field of ceramic glaze and color machines, tile design, production in China is basically the exchange is disabled (only a few ideas close to the Chinese enterprises are accepted). The reason is simple, ceramic machines and color glaze to sell to China, while production and sales of ceramic tile is a competitive relationship with China. In theory, the financial crisis is conducive to ceramic power in Italy, Spain and other European powers to the Chinese ceramics open. But why should the Bologna show close the door to China?

Analysis of the reasons, one of Europe is still not willing to withdraw from the history of tile manufacturing stage; Second Bologna Exhibition has become a popular trend in tile design of the conference, the Europeans show their strong R & D, design resources on the big stage. Therefore, it is impossible for the Chinese people once used. Chinese people can do is build yourself a big stage to show themselves. Unfortunately, due to the domestic industry's long-term lack of unity, has failed to establish an own manufacturing capacity to match the display platform. No high-end platform for the display, how to establish a ceramic image of power? So even a good thing, can not afford the price to sell exports, but also repeatedly by the anti-dumping investigation.

On the one hand is the power in the decline of European ceramics, Chinese ceramics exports on the other hand is more difficult? In other words, the decline of traditional ceramic power and did not give emerging countries more opportunities ceramics. Instead, because the power struggle last exposed the fragile side of the emerging countries.

The last century, China was 18 billion square tiles around to last year's production has more than 75 million square meters. The annual per capita possession of tile [= (annual production - exports + imports) / total population] has more than 5 square meters. Share of China's ceramic tile exports also about 10%. See end of this century the pace of development of our tile is being driven up domestic real estate industry. Now, the real estate industry is in an unprecedented adjustment period, followed by the ceramic industry must also adjust. Financial crisis, not the export market, companies have to domestic sales, domestic sales are now frustrated, turn export not easy. Because in addition to anti-dumping issues, as well as cost of production.

Continue to push the cost nowadays, China has made tiles with India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, the tile compared to the advantages greatly reduced. Therefore, our products in the European market price drop no way or no way. If you want to enhance international competitiveness, the best way is to go to tile production line moved to developing countries. Otherwise, we can only fight at the gates.
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