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anti-dumping duty ceramic 69.7% this year to implement the final set

Ceramic Mug    From:Xinxiang Ceramic Mug Manufacturers     2016-3-8
Concern of the EU anti-dumping custom ceramic mug manufacturers cases tile final results released today, the majority of Foshan ceramic enterprises from the beginning of this month will be charged up to 69.7% tax rate, for a period of 5 years. As an important traditional market, the EU anti-dumping so that the export of Foshan ceramics suffered heavy losses, the industry is expected to decrease about five percent, along with other emerging markets, property market volatility and domestic regulation, many of Foshan ceramic enterprises facing shutdown or a compressed capacity, situation is not optimistic about the whole business, even pessimistic view of Foshan ceramic enterprises will face "stop tide."

More than the industry, said in an interview with reporters, now there Foshan ceramics manufacturers to stop production or the phenomenon of compressed capacity, but the "cut-off Tide" exaggerated, "one after another of the anti-dumping so that their exports face difficulties, but also the business transformation of a good opportunity. "

Foshan ceramics production enterprises involved more than 200

Concerned about the EU has been tracking anti-dumping cases in China Ceramic Industry Association of Foshan ceramics Office Blue Guard, told reporters in July, the EU approved the 69.7% rate, followed by associations and businesses have to lobby the European Union and some of the Chamber of Commerce, but in the end not change the results.

Reporters learned that, according to final results of the European Union, the Jane Foshan ceramics, run into new ceramic respectively 26.3% and 29.3% of the single tax rate, while responding to more than 30 enterprises in Foshan Amoy rate was 30.6%, while a large number of Foshan small ceramic enterprises will be imposed for not responding to the high rate of 69.7%. The anti-dumping tax come into effect from today, valid for 5 years.

It is understood that, compared to March this year, preliminary anti-dumping EU ceramics, the final ruling reduced the overall tax rate. Preliminary ruling, the respondent was drawn but did not investigate the corporate tax rate was 32.3%, and other general corporate tax rate of 73% of the country, the final ruling were 30.6% and 69.7%.

Even if the final tax rate has dropped, but a great impact on businesses. Chen Yanbin, chairman of Foshan ceramics Ascot Goff told reporters, according to this rate, then the export of Foshan ceramic enterprises will be seriously affected, "nearly 70 percent tariff levied if the European market have to do a basic no." Access rate of 26.3% in Guangdong Jane Ceramics Co., Ltd. Foshan official said, did not reduce the tax rate slightly lower threshold of its exports to the EU.

Blue Guard, currently involved in Foshan ceramics production enterprises (including tiles, mosaics, etc.) more than 200, "to do a lot of Foshan ceramics import and export of foreign trade enterprises, the majority of such enterprises as small businesses, a very large number, if coupled with on those who do them, then, the number of enterprises may be affected more than 1,000. "

Multiple companies were forced to stop the attack or the compression capacity

"In this final results, Foshan ceramic tile exports to the EU estimates the number will be down 50 percent." Mr. Blue Guard, said: "For a large number of low-end ceramic companies, their export profit margins typically 2% to 15% between the general rate of up to 69.7% a great impact on these companies for a number of foreign companies to do such products is more deadly, I have some friends to do foreign trade was suspended. "

This effect has been confirmed from official data. According to Foshan customs data, China ceramics made by the EU anti-dumping, this year from January to July, exports to the EU Foshan ceramic tiles $ 120 million, down 16.5%.

In fact, in addition to the EU since the current South Korea, Thailand and South America, Argentina, Brazil and other emerging markets for Chinese-made tiles made of anti-dumping or trade barriers, which makes the days of Foshan ceramic enterprises very sad. Vuitton Paul ceramics export business has been good, but this year is not optimistic. The company official Feng Lei, due to the increasing anti-dumping, domestic regulation and control of the property market, the company forced to reduce capacity, "We have three production lines, turning off the current one, as far as possible to maintain a reasonable inventory of enterprises within . "Feng Lei said.

In addition to compression capacity, as well as enterprises have ceased production. Foshan Overland Ceramics official reporter in a recent interview with CCTV interview, said, because the export business disruption, a production line has been discontinued. At the same time, an influx of Foshan ceramics appear cut-off argument also appear in the media.

According to the blue guards introduced, Foshan do have to stop production or business into the plight of compressed capacity, the "Association visited some enterprises have encountered many companies stopped when part of the production line in order to reduce management costs, there are some foreign business failures, but the number is difficult to estimate . "

Foshan Ceramic Industry Association, Dai Yimin said, particularly because this year's anti-dumping, and the country macroeconomic regulation, especially the property market, Foshan's ceramics business was severely affected. "But the collapse is not halted or more, can not be said to stop wave of compression capacity will be more the case, this is not just the impact of EU anti-dumping, the whole environment dictates which side also shows the need of Foshan ceramics brand and product innovation efforts. "Dai Yimin said.
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