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View of the British Museum in the Chinese ancient ceramics thoughts

Ceramic Mug    From:Xinxiang Ceramic Mug Manufacturers     2016-3-7
The British White ceramic mug with lid wholesale Museum is the largest comprehensive museum collection is the largest museum of Chinese cultural objects. As a researcher of ancient Chinese ceramics, where I desire to enjoy the collection of Chinese ceramics. In the British Islands, I decisively give the opportunity to visit the city of London, with expectation and excitement, came early to the British Museum.

British Museum, also known as the National historical, archaeological, artistic and Folklore Library and Museum, and the New York Metropolitan Museum and the Louvre in Paris, France, and said the world's top three museums. The British Museum, the world's first museum open to the public one of its founding can be traced back to 1753 years. Up to 250 years long history, the British Museum's collection has surpassed 6 million, from around the world. Collection includes relief, engraving, badges, coins, manuscripts, books, ceramics, bronzes, paintings, etc., the scope is very broad. Museum of ancient Egypt through the establishment of the Ministry, the Ministry of ancient Greece and Rome, ancient and medieval British Ministry, the Ministry of ancient Western Asia, Eastern Department and other 10 departments, a surprising number of artifacts in these collections management and research.

Hall No. 33 is specifically a permanent display of Chinese cultural relics exhibition hall, rich in cultural relics collection exciting and memorable. Here is to demonstrate the splendid Chinese civilization with a glorious history of ancient stone, Neolithic jade and pottery, Shang and Zhou bronzes, Wei Stone Buddha scriptures, Tang and Song paintings, Ming and Qing porcelain, Chinese history, the culmination of all ages David, can be described as a full range, everything. Collection of Chinese antiquities here said as many as 23,000, about 2000 long-term display.

Wander in the 33 exhibition halls, the representative of Chinese ancient civilization unfolding sight: six thousand years ago, the Banpo village of terracotta pots and sharp bottom bottles, Neolithic jade cong and Majiayao culture pottery, Shang and Zhou dynasties The bronze statue, tripod, Qin and Han Dynasty bronze mirrors, pottery, iron swords, gilt bronze in the Six Dynasties, Sui white marble statues of the Tang Dynasty three-color artifacts, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing porcelain generations, and Oracle , bamboo, wood block prints old books, paintings, maps, coins, silk, cloisonne, lacquer ware, snuff bottles, ceramics ... ... exhibits about 70%, highlights the "china" status, people feast for the eyes.

Earliest primitive celadon from China until the Ming and Qing blue and white, five ceramic, exhibited all the major kilns of various dynasties fine, priceless. Many objects I was the first time I saw, although some are seen several times in the catalog, now regarded as knowledge was "true colors." Central Office of the huge mural on the wall, especially eye-catching, it comes from Shanxi Qingliangsi. Murals painted on three Buddha, reflecting the style of Tang Dynasty figure painting. Three former stood three murals ceramic sculpture: the left is the Ming Dynasty Taoist, Lohan for Liao, the right is smiling in the Ming Dynasty Maitreya. The middle of this Buddha statue from the eight-Yi County, Hebei Ocean depression of the Liao Dynasty, Chi Mei head shows, eyes bright. It is moist glaze, about two meters high, so large Cisu, there really is a rare treasure.

Majiayao pottery at the right side of the museum, I stood there for a long time, quietly and respect the passion that the vortex pattern color pottery dialogue. I am a foreigner beside a couple with children, could not admire the exquisite pottery Majiayao, the children enjoy in a very focused. Ancient civilization and lives, ancestors, when almost all the people Bangshui neighbors, almost all of Europe's cities are built on rivers and sea. With the surging river of worship and awe, Majiayao ancestors to truly describe my feelings on the painted pottery. Painted pottery Majiayao smooth and natural lines that bring the viewer is not only a wonderful rhythm and flow of rhythm, but also revealed information about the ancestors of life and life philosophy.

Five Famous Kilns in Song Dynasty porcelain are displayed here. Ru porcelain, the world is handed down not more than one hundred, the country's largest porcelain museum has a kiln it wants not to do. Early Southern Song Dynasty Ru porcelain is very rare, Song Week "magazine Shiba," says: "Ru Jin Shao palace, as the glaze during the late agate, only pick back for Yu, Fang Xu sell, especially in a rare close." Song Ming Yao Ming and Qing dynasties talking about, the most important kiln. It is rare, future generations about those of Ru porcelain is often talked about. But here at once exhibited Ru bottles, washing, bowls, tea cup and other six, and the elegant shape, glaze Eau, the extent of its noble and beautiful, with Taiwan's National Palace Museum, the exhibition is comparable kiln. There is also a treasure worth mentioning that the white winged mermaid Liao Ti Liang pot, the text may be room supplies, may be ritual sacrifices, the shape not large, but very delicate, see artisans fee the mind, and makes infinite reveries.

Yuan Cizhou character story, pillows, exquisite art work, pen skill, here are inscribed, "Zhang Bin Yi-a." Central Plains after the Yuan Dynasty rulers abolished the imperial examination system, a great scholar suffered humiliation, forced part of the livelihood of the literati no way out, to lower social status, were forced to abandon the "excellent learning, Shi," the traditional way, at the commitment joined the list of Cizhou creation, and their joining to promote the upgrading of the level Cizhou process.

Yuan blue and white is now in the international auction market sold for astronomical prices. Yuan blue and white here, a large number of exhibits, people see dazzling. That piece of fish tape Lotus foot two feet square, very vivid picture, surrounded by abundant plants, intermediate mandarin fish alive. Composition of the outer ring is also very clever lotus, lotus "in the pass straight, do not spread without branches", meaning deep.

Ming colorful, almost all of the exhibits of Jingdezhen blue and white porcelain kiln firing device, colorful, gorgeously dressed, exact Westerners like luxury lively personality, great view of the artistic effect. Most valuable to the number of color chicken bucket Chenghua cylinder cup. According to Zhao Ruzhen book "Antique Guide" reads: "Chenghua kiln cylinder cup chicken bucket color, existing only three." And the British Museum there are two, really eye-opener. Changed between the Ming Yongle Chenghua, Xuande porcelain since the vigorous style of bold, beautiful and exquisite porcelain, soft quiet tone, Xirun crystal glaze, elegant picture wan quiet, light and graceful charm of its unmatched moment. In particular, ceramic bucket Chenghua is unprecedented in the history of porcelain masterpieces. Chenghua emperor Oedipus complex, harem of beautiful but he has chosen to favor than he 18 million-year-old Royal, to the age of 40 has no children, are very anxious and down the court. Production from the children at play palace eunuchs, hundred children and so on, praying for the emperor Early Prince, passing the throne, the pattern of civil spread. Perhaps for the Emperor bestowed the temple Chenghua needs are more sophisticated smart objects, so vulgar "fully integrated amplifier-free," said. 16 years of the reign of Emperor Ming Zheng, indulge in sensual, due to massive construction projects at plundering the people of the land, sparking resistance. Zhengde rare porcelain with colorful models, shown here, incense burners, vases, Wanpen are all rare treasures.

Sophisticated technology architecture of the Ming Dynasty pottery community model, Grey Pottery making, at first glance thought it was buried with the Eastern Han Dynasty, but seeing them on a chair in front of the main hall style of the Ming Dynasty, Ming Dynasty, which is what I discovered. Han If we can not the concept of tables and chairs, people sat on the floor, using a shelf. Here's a collection of five into the pottery of Ming architecture, a decorated archway, a wall of photos, there are rooms, etc., imposing extraordinary and refreshing. This should be the wealthy or the epitome of good family houses, the study provides an important kind of Ming Dynasty architecture.

Exhibits must be the largest number of Longquan celadon and white porcelain of Dehua, shape, glaze superb. With the same period of ancient Egyptian civilization, such as Europe and the vulgarity of blue-glazed pottery than starker. Longquan celadon green, such as water and white like snow is white Dehua porcelain of the first to enter one of Western Europe, it has a special status. Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing porcelain Longquan three generations of the best are gathered here, there are incense burners, statues, bottle gourd, lotus bowls, unique shape, smooth and elegant, beautiful glaze. Paris, France, early Ming Dynasty Longquan celadon, which caused a sensation in the upper class. It is said that French people were enchanted with green glaze and elegant, sometimes they can not find the right words to describe this beautiful glaze. France is staged at "sub-Division Shepherdess Taylor", the play describes the shepherd and shepherdess with snow pull Taylor's love story sub-Division. With the appearance of snow when pulled wearing a very pretty blue dress, one that only stage snow pull that dress the same color, to match with the Longquan celadon glaze, Longquan celadon therefore called for the United States and Europe, "Snow pulled the same." Marx had worked in the British Museum reading room to write his great book "Das Kapital", in the reading room shelves, there are many beautiful statues of Dehua porcelain display. He Chaozong Cisu Master Ming or other craftsmen are very beautiful boutique style, the British preference for the degree of Dehua porcelain is evident in this.
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